The Future of Social Democracy in Europe

Al geruime tijd werkt de Wiardi Beckman Stichting onder het motto: ‘The Amsterdam Process’ intensief samen met Policy Network, een gerenommeerde internationale denktank uit Londen, en de Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) uit Brussel. Wat ooit begon als een kritische reflectie op de erfenis van de Derde Weg in het Bethaniënklooster in de Amsterdamse rosse buurt, is uitgegroeid tot het meest toonaangevende vernieuwingsproject van de Europese sociaal-democratie.

Met trots presenteert de WBS een tussenstand van het Amsterdam Process. Het boek After the Third Way: The Future of Social Democracy in Europe bevat een selectie van de beste stukken over de problemen en kansen van de hedendaagse Europese sociaal-democratie, geschreven door vooraanstaande wetenschappers en publicisten uit Europa (o.a. Andrew Gamble, John Kay, Bo Rothstein, Tobias Dürr & Robert Misik, René Cuperus & Mark Elchardus, John Lloyd, Patrick Diamond & Olaf Cramme). Dit boek is via en uitgeverij I.B. Tauris te bestellen. Een recensie in de Financial Times vindt u hier.

After the Third Way
The future of social democracy in Europe

The political left believed the crisis of neoliberalism would play into its hands. The opposite has proved to be the case. No new variety of capitalism has emerged to fill the void and left-of-centre parties have lost a devastating run of European elections.

This new Policy Network book, edited by Olaf Cramme and Patrick Diamond, contends that social democracy needs to undergo profound renewal if it is to address the exhausted form of western capitalist democracies - the narratives of both ‘third way modernisers’ and the ‘traditional left’ do not offer credible paths forward.

Bringing together leading academics, political thinkers and policy experts, the book seeks to carve out new doctrines, new concepts and new interpretations on which a credible centre-left politics can be built and from which new ideas can emerge.

Social democracy must be the subject of constant innovation and experimentation, relentlessly confronting new challenges and reconnecting with the contemporary context of prevailing ideas. The chapters in this volume are the product of precisely such an enterprise, the Amsterdam Process. Held under the aegis of the international think tank Policy Network and the Wiardi Beckman Stichting, and attended by serving ministers and politicians, senior experts and policymakers, and a host of academic commentators and social scientists, a series of working group meetings throughout 2009 and 2010 offered the unique opportunity to map out new terrain in the field of social democratic ideas, doctrines and strategies.

After the Third Way is te bestellen via Voor meer informatie over het Amsterdam Process kunt u contact opnemen met René Cuperus en Pim Paulusma.

Contents and chapters

The Guiding Purpose of Centre-Left Politics
1. From Fatalism to Fraternity: Governing Purpose and the Good Society
Patrick Diamond

2. Social Democracy in a Global Era
Luke Martell

Policy Predicaments
3. Debt and Deficits: The Quest for Economic Competence
Andrew Gamble

4. The Mechanics of Markets: Politics, Economics and Finance
John Kay

5. Social Democracy at the End of the Welfare State?
Peter Taylor-Gooby

6. Equality, Social Trust and the Politics of Institutional Design
Bo Rothstein

7. Progress and Social Policy: Two-and-a-Half Cheers for Education
Lane Kenworthy

8. Social Cohesion, Culture Politics and the Impact of Migration
René Cuperus and Mark Elchardus

9. Identity, Community and the Politics of Recognition
Michael Kenny

Governance and Politics
10. The Power of European Integration: Choice and Purpose for Centre-Left Politics
Olaf Cramme

11. Back to the Future: Towards a Red-Green Politics
John McTernan

12. Globalisation Challenges to Centre-Left Internationalism
John Lloyd

13. The Squeezed Middle and the New Inequality
Liam Byrne

14. Citizen Engagement and the Quest for Solidarity
Henry Tam

15. Co-operation, Creativity and Equality: Key Concepts for a New Social Democratic Era
Tobias Dürr and Robert Misik

16. The New Social Democracy?
Olaf Cramme and Patrick Diamond



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